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About us

About Us

Socks are slowly peeping out of the closet in India. The greys, blacks and whites are getting a coat of colour, pop and prints. But what if the funk were to be upped a notch? What if the colours and prints spoke to you a little more? Or better still, spoke more about you to the world?

Introducing Sockaboo. A cheerful sock brand that gives you the freedom to express your fun side, bottom up! Designed by the creative team at Sockaboo and manufactured by the best in the business, every pair of Sockaboo socks is not just an uber-cool design, but has a story to tell.

Good food your thing? Biker? Binge-Watcher? Lazy Potato? BeachBum? Nostalgia Tripper? Travel Junkie? Living out of airports? Rock & Roll your type?

There is a Sockaboo sock for all of you!

Proudly based out of Chennai and fresh out of the oven this Feb 2019, Sockaboo is inspired from the word “peekaboo.”

We certainly hope we are not the only ones thinking that socks play peekaboo from your shoes.

We’ve started out with a Launch Collection and are working on some cool designs as you read this. So, look forward to more cracking collections that’s going to peek your way in the weeks to come.